Geographic location of Warsaw
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the geographical data of the Polish capital. The farthest points of the Warsaw border are indicated in the attached table. It is worth noting that the length of Warsaw is almost the same, from south to north, and from west to east - about 30 kilometers.
In degrees, minutes and seconds |
The furthest points of Warsaw border: |
in the north (northern geographic latitude) |
52o22’05’’ |
. |
in the south (northern geographic latitude) |
52o05’52’’ |
. |
in the west (eastern geographic longitude) |
20o51’06’’ |
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in the east (eastern geographic longitude) |
21o16’16’’ |
. |
Extent: |
from south to north |
0o16’13’’ |
30.038 |
from west to east |
0o25’10’’ |
from 28.685 km in the south to 28.511 km in the north |
Geographic coordinates in degrees with decimals: 52.230678°; 21.006699°
S o u r c e: data of Warsaw City Hall.
Cost of Living Index in Warsaw compared to New York, including: Cost of Living Index; Product index; rent index; Local purchasing power index
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Wierzbno” (Wierzbno)
How to accept an apartment from a developer in Poland