Warsaw in 2023. Official data.
Population of Warsaw (December 31, 2022) 1,861,975 people (↓)
Average employment (March 2023) 1,128,338 people (↑)
Unemployment (March 2023) 20,889 people (↓)
Unemployment rate (March 2023) 1.5% (↓)
Average salary (March 2023) PLN 9,490 (↑)
Dwellings built (January-March 2023) 4,078 units (↑)
Economic entities (March 2023) 531742 units (↑)
Masovian Voivodeship in 2023. Official data.
Population of Masovian Voivodeship (December 31, 2022) 5510612 people (↓)
Average employment (March 2023) 1,584,716 people (↑)
Unemployment (March 2023) 119,319 people (↓)
Unemployment rate (March 2023) 4.3% (↓)
Average salary (March 2023) PLN 8856.41 (↑)
Dwellings built (January-March 2023) 10,868 units (↑)
Economic entities (March 2023) 977937 units (↑)
Share of Warsaw in Mazowieckie Voivodeship in 2023.
Population (33.8%)
Registered unemployed (17.5%)
Average salary (7.1% higher)
Dwellings built (37.5%)
Economic entities (54.4%)
↑ Significance of phenomena increased compared to the corresponding period of the previous year
↓ Significance of events decreased compared to the corresponding period of the previous year
Average employment - average employment in the enterprise sector,
Unemployment - registered unemployed (at the end of the month),
Unemployment rate - registered unemployment rate (at the end of the month),
Average salary - average salary in the enterprise sector,
Subjects of the economy - subjects of the national economy that are in the REGON register (as of the end of the month).
Website materials used: https://warszawa.stat.gov.pl/
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Białołęka is one of the 18 districts of Warsaw, located in the northern part of the city. It is located on the right bank of the Vistula.