Weekends in Poland in 2024
Public holidays in Poland are:
Public holidays in Poland are:
holidays specified in the provisions of the Law “On Non-Working Days”,
days off resulting from the average length of a five-day working week.
Holidays 2024
Holidays are determined by the provisions of the Law “On Non-Working Days”. The Labor Code states that the working week consists of 5 days.
In 2024, holidays fall on the following days:
January 1 (Monday) – New Year (Nowy Rok),
January 6 (Saturday) – Epiphany (Święto Trzech Króli),
March 31 (Sunday) – the first day of Easter (pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy),
April 1 (Monday) – second day of Easter (drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy),
May 1 (Wednesday) – National Day (Święto Państwowe) or Labor Day (Święto Pracy),
May 3 (Friday) - National Day of the Third of May (Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja) or Constitution Day (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja),
May 19 (Sunday) – first day of Pentecost (pierwszy dzień Zielonych Świątek),
May 30 (Thursday) - Corpus Christi Day (dzień Bożego Ciała),
August 15 (Thursday) – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny),
November 1 (Friday) - All Saints' Day (Wszystkich Świętych),
November 11 (Monday) National Independence Day (Narodowe Święto Niepodległości) or simply Independence Day (Święto Niepodległości),
December 25 (Wednesday) – the first day of Christmas (pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia),
December 26 (Thursday) – the second day of Christmas (drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia).
Sundays in 2024
In addition to holidays, Sunday is also a day off.
Other holidays in 2024
A day off with an average length of a five-day working week can be any day of the week except Sunday, which is a day off. Such a day also cannot fall on a holiday.
As a rule, this day is Saturday (the so-called Saturday of the day off), however, due to the five-day working week, individual employers may have their days off on different days of the week. Decisions on this matter are usually included in the labor regulations applicable to the employer.
How many days do people work and how many days do they rest in Poland in 2024?
In 2024 the following will be closed:
52 Sundays,
11 holidays,
52 days as a result of the distribution of working hours with an average length of a five-day working week (that is, most of them are Saturdays).
Therefore, there will be a total of 115 holidays in 2024. The remaining 251 days will have to be worked (2024 is a leap year - it has 366 days). This is one day more than in 2023. In 2022, Poland also worked 251 days, and in 2021 – 252 days.
If the feast of Epiphany (Święto Trzech Króli) falls on a Saturday, an additional day off is provided. Epiphany (Święto Trzech Króli) is celebrated annually on January 6th. In 2024, this day falls on a Saturday. Due to the fact that every holiday that falls on a day other than Sunday reduces working hours by 8 hours, instead of Epiphany falling on Saturday, the employer is obliged to give employees a day off on another day. An additional day off must be granted on a day agreed with the employer.
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