Residential real estate in Warsaw in 2020
Average offer prices for apartments in Warsaw in March 2020 [zloty/sq. m]
Apartment size [sq. m] |
Primary market |
Secondary market |
Average price of apartments with this area |
Average price for the city |
Average price of apartments with this area |
Average price for the city |
0-38 |
11114 |
9969 |
12 659 |
11 807 |
38-60 |
9946 |
11365 |
60-90 |
9482 |
11364 |
Prices of apartments in Warsaw depending on the number of rooms (per square meter)
1-room apartment-average price of 1 m2 in March 2020 12,644 zlotys
2-room apartment-average price of 1 m2 in March 2020 11,823 zlotys
3-room apartment-average price of 1 m2 in March 2020 10,991 zlotys
4-room apartment-average price of 1 m2 in March 2020 10,893 zlotys
Offers on the real estate market in Warsaw in March 2020
The average cost per m2 |
11012 zlotys |
Price growth since the beginning of the year, in % |
4,9 |
Number of apartments for sale |
54900 |
Average time of sale of an apartment, days |
33 дня |
Price range of apartments for sale, zlotys |
От 107,9 тыс. зл. до 20,3 млн. зл. |
The estimated price per m2 for Warsaw in March 2020 is 11012 zlotys. The price per m2 has increased for Warsaw by 4.9% since the beginning of the year. At the beginning of last month, 1 m2 of housing cost 10,500 zlotys. Since the beginning of the year, the price has increased by 512 zlotys, which gave almost a 5% increase. The average period of validity of a sale offer is 33 days. In the month of March 2020, the number of available offers on the real estate market increased by 80.5% compared to the previous month.
Apartment prices in Warsaw in March 2020
District Of Warsaw |
Price per m2 |
Śródmieście |
15 105 zlotys |
Żoliborz |
12 735 zlotys |
Wola |
12 107 zlotys |
Mokotów |
11 667 zlotys |
Ochota |
11,515 zlotys |
Wilanów |
11 172 zlotys |
Praga Północ |
11082 zlotys |
Bielany |
10 136 zlotys |
Ursynów |
10 131 zlotys |
Praga Południe |
10 000 zlotys |
Włochy |
9 850 zlotys |
Bemovo |
9 827 zlotys |
Ursus |
8 751 zlotys |
Targówek |
8 724 zlotys |
Wesoła |
8 209 zlotys |
Białołęka |
7 782 zlotys |
Wawer |
7400 zlotys |
Rembertów |
7032 zlotys |
Warsaw |
11012 zlotys |
As in 2019, in 2020 the most expensive district of Warsaw is Central Śródmieście; the cheapest is Rembertów. The cost of 1 m2 of an apartment in Sredmestye is 15,105 zlotys, which is 4093 zlotys higher than the city average. The price of 1 m2 of housing in the area of Śródmieście is 37.2% higher than the average price in Warsaw. Zoliborz is in second place among the most expensive areas of Warsaw. Here, the cost of 1 m2 of an apartment is 12,735 zlotys - 1723 zlotys more than the average for the city. The district Will be on the third place. The price for 1m2 of an apartment here is 12,107 zlotys, which is 1,095 zlotys more than the average price of 1 m2 in Warsaw.
In the month of March 2020, the cheapest district in Warsaw is Rembertów. The price for 1 m2 of an apartment in this area is on average 7032 zlotys, which is lower than the average price in the city. In the second place among the cheapest areas is waver with the price of 1 m2 of an apartment in 7400 zlotys. This is 3612 zlotys less than the city average. The third place is taken by The bialolenka district, where 1 m2 of an apartment costs 7782 zlotys.
Street |
Price per m2 |
Rondo Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) |
27 157 zlotys |
ulica Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego |
22 306 zlotys |
ulica Stare Nalewki |
21 258 zlotys |
ulica Drewniana |
18 759 zlotys |
ulica Twarda |
18 497 zlotys |
ulica Leszczyńska |
18 355 zlotys |
ulica św. Teresy |
18 101 zlotys |
ulica Mikołaja Kopernika |
17 687 zlotys |
Aleja Przyjaciół |
17 655 zlotys |
ulica Boczna |
17425 zlotys |
Street |
Price per m2 |
ulica Zapole |
5 724 zlotys |
ulica Podbiałowa |
5 742 zlotys |
ulica Gerberowa |
5 757 zlotys |
ulica Gladioli |
5 787 zlotys |
ulica Samosiejki |
5 788 zlotys |
ulica Wrzosowa |
5 827 zlotys |
ulica Ruciańska |
5 829 zlotys |
ulica Wojdyńska |
5 832 zlotys |
ulica Calineczki |
5 843 zlotys |
ulica Ostoja |
5 847 zlotys |
Street |
Price per m2 |
Trakt Lubelski |
7 929 zlotys |
ulica Wał Miedzeszyński |
7 279 zlotys |
ulica Poprawna |
7 869 zlotys |
ulica Bruzdowa |
8 570 zlotys |
ulica Ostródzka |
6 901 zlotys |
ulica Modlińska |
7098 zlotys |
ulica Arkuszowa |
8 267 zlotys |
ulica Nowoursynowska |
10 214 zlotys |
ulica Wiązana |
8 108 zlotys |
ulica Syta |
8 560 zlotys |
Street |
Price per m2 |
ulica Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego |
11 163 zlotys |
ulica Adolfa Pawińskiego |
11 576 zlotys |
ulica Jana Kazimierza |
11 535 zlotys |
ulica Puławska |
12 707 zlotys |
Aleja Komisji Edukacji Narodowej |
10 926 zlotys |
ulica Grochowska |
9 625 zlotys |
ulica Skarbka z Gór |
7506 zlotys |
ulica Marszałkowska |
14 927 zlotys |
ulica Grójecka |
11 769 zlotys |
ulica Sarmacka |
11 303 zlotys |
ulica Karolkowa |
12 320 zlotys |
Aleja Rzeczypospolitej |
12080 zlotys |
ulica Grochowska |
10 910 zlotys |
ulica Odkryta |
7424 zlotys |
ulica Marcina Kasprzaka |
12 257 zlotys |
ulica Włodarzewska |
10 948 zlotys |
ulica Wrzeciono |
9 800 zlotys |
ulica Dzieci Warszawy |
8 576 zlotys |
Aleja Niepodległości |
12 110 zlotys |
ulica Powstańców Śląskich |
9 515 zlotys |
Currently, there are 54,900 offers of apartments and houses located in 11,176 buildings in Warsaw.
1-room apartments (3848 apartments)
2-room apartments (17,703 apartments)
3-room apartments (19771 apartments)
4-room apartments (8,929 apartments)
5-ти комнатные (2499 квартир)Также на рынке недвижимости в столице Польши предлагаются апартаменты от 6-ти до 143 комнат. Большинство из них существуют в единичных экземплярах
Most offers in the area of Śródmieście. In turn, the small selection of apartments for sale is the district Rembertow.
The time during which the offer is active on the market is the average number of days that the owner must wait for the apartment to sell. In the month of March 2020, it is 33 days for Warsaw. Compared to last month, the time when supply was active in the market has decreased. In February 2020, it was 97 days. Apartments are sold fastest in the Volya area ( the estimated time of active offer on the market is 18 days). Apartments are sold the longest in the vilanav district, where the average duration of the offer on the market is 74 days.
Sale of housing and prices for apartments in Warsaw on July 1, 2021. Sale of housing and average housing prices in Warsaw in the primary and secondary market.
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Służewiec” (Sluzhevets)
Prices for building materials in Poland in December 2023