Usable housing area in Poland
Powierzchnia użytkowa budynku - usable floor space of building Usable area of the building
The area of all areas of a building (including load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures) used to satisfy needs directly related to the purpose of the building (or - in the case of a building serving several functions - the sum of the areas of all individual parts, for example, a clinic, post office, restaurant in a commercial building ). In the case of tanks, bunkers and shelters for which it is impossible to indicate the usable area, the building area of the object is indicated, i.e. the area defined by the vertical projection of the outer edges of an object onto the surface of the earth.
The area of all areas of a building (including load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures) used to satisfy needs directly related to the purpose of the building (or - in the case of a building serving several functions - the sum of the areas of all individual parts, for example, a clinic, post office, restaurant in a commercial building ). In the case of tanks, bunkers and shelters for which it is impossible to indicate the usable area, the building area of the object is indicated, i.e. the area defined by the vertical projection of the outer edges of an object onto the surface of the earth.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
Powierzchnia użytkowa budynku mieszkalnego - usable area of a residential building
The usable area of a residential building should be understood as the area of all premises of the building, taking into account load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures (i.e. the net area of the residential building (net), reduced by:
- traffic area (i.e. the total area of premises and individual parts of premises and parts of floors intended for common use),
- area of premises intended for placement of technical installations and devices,
- area of premises belonging to independent premises located in the building (for example, basement, attic, storage room, garage).
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
Powierzchnia użytkowa mieszkania - usable floor area of a dwelling
The sum of the areas of all rooms in an apartment or residential building in which there is only one apartment, i.e. rooms, kitchens, hallways, pantries, halls, corridors, bathrooms, toilets, covered verandas, porches, dressing rooms and other premises used for living and household needs of residents, regardless of their purpose and method of use (for example, an art studio, recreation rooms and so on.).
1. The usable area of an apartment does not include the following areas: balconies, terraces, loggias, mezzanines, laundries, drying rooms, cart rooms, attics, basements and rooms intended for fuel storage, as well as garages, hydrophore installations and boiler rooms.
2. In a country house, the usable area of the apartment usually includes the area of the entryway. The canopy is not considered an integral part of the apartment and its area is not included in the usable area of the apartment only if:
- the canopy connects the residential part of the building with the livestock or economic part,
- in addition to the entrance hall, there is an entrance hall on the same floor,
- in the house more than one apartment and the entryway are used together as a public corridor.
3. The area of stairs located in an individual house is included in the usable area of the apartment if there is only one apartment in the house, but is not included if there are two or more apartments in the house; then the stairs and the rooms below them are considered a common communication part.
4. In individual houses under construction, but already partially occupied, the usable area of the apartment includes only the area of finished rooms and utility rooms.
Source of definition: Law of March 16, 2000 on amendments to the Law on the Ownership of Premises and on amendments to the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Ownership of Premises ; Law of June 21, 2001 on the protection of the rights of tenants of municipal housing stock and amendments to the Civil Code (o ochronie praw lokatorów, mieszkaniowym zasobie gminy i o zmianie Kodeksu cywilnego); Methodological instructions for the National Population and Housing Census 2002 of the General Statistical Office of Poland
Powierzchnia użytkowa mieszkań oddanych do użytkowania - usable area of a completed residential building
Useful area of apartments, the completion of which the investor reported to the poviat building supervision authority and this body did not raise any objections (in the form of a decision) or for which the investor received permission to use in accordance with the decision of the building supervision authority.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
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