Housing construction terms in Polish
Budownictwo indywidualne - private construction
Construction carried out by individuals, foundations, churches and religious associations for the investor's own use.
Construction carried out by individuals, foundations, churches and religious associations for the investor's own use.
Budownictwo przeznaczone na sprzedaż lub wynajem - construction for sale or rent
Construction carried out for the purpose of making a profit by various investors.
Budownictwo spółdzielcze - cooperative construction
Construction carried out by housing cooperatives for persons who are members of these cooperatives. If a housing cooperative constructs buildings in which apartments are intended solely for sale or rental to persons other than members of the cooperative, such apartments are classified as “developments held for sale or rental.”
Budownictwo społeczne czynszowe - public building society
Construction carried out by social housing societies or public housing initiatives (operating on a non-profit basis) using a loan from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. Apartments built for the purpose of generating a profit entirely for the purpose of constructing rental homes should be classified as "build for sale or rental".
Budownictwo komunalne - municipal construction
Housing construction - predominantly of a social, intervention nature or meeting the housing needs of low-income households - carried out entirely at the expense of the commune.
Budownictwo zakładowe - factory construction (company construction)
Construction carried out by enterprises (public and private sector) to meet the housing needs of the employees of these enterprises.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
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