You can't even buy half a square meter of an apartment for the average monthly salary in large Polish cities.
Salary growth: Doesn't keep up with rising property prices.
Purchasing power: Decreasing in most major cities.
Comparison by city:
City |
Average net salary (zł) |
Price per m² apartment (zł) |
Kraków |
5 641 |
10 240 |
Warszawa |
6 142 |
11 420 |
Gdańsk |
6 012 |
10 520 |
Łódź |
4 917 |
7 020 |
Krakow's purchasing power of the average salary is decreasing - at least when it comes to the real estate market. In 2021, you could buy 0.43 sq m for the average net salary, and two years later - only 0.38 sq m. In Warsaw and Gdańsk, you can buy slightly more real estate than two years ago (2 and 1 cm², respectively). However, the average salary still does not allow you to buy even half a meter of living space. In this respect, Łódź is the best place, where you can buy a square meter for 0.71 of your salary.
City |
Wrocław |
Kraków |
Warszawa |
Gdańsk |
Łódź |
IV quarter 2021 (m2) |
0,46 |
0,43 |
0,33 |
0,42 |
0,71 |
IV quarter 2023 (m2) |
0,46 |
0,38 |
0,35 |
0,43 |
0,70 |
Difference (m2) |
0,00 |
-0,05 |
0,02 |
0,01 |
-0,01 |
Difference % |
0 |
-10 |
7 |
4 |
-2 |
Data is based on the average salary of the Central Statistical Office.
In reality, salaries in large cities are higher.
Buying an apartment in a big city is becoming increasingly difficult.
How many apartments were put into operation in the third quarter in Poland
Forecast of price changes in Poland in 2024
Housing construction in Warsaw in January – November 2023